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Everyone loves to have a great coffee, especially when you are working and need a boost. Choosing the right coffee machine and the right coffee beans is always tricky as everyone has different tastes, one might like strong espresso and the other prefers latte. At Zebra Coffee we offer coffee beans that suits any type of coffee drinker, from black to white and any shade in between! 

We like to think of yourselves as caterer of colourful and lively offices, we bring colours to your daily office routine and an end to the bad office coffee era! Think about all the great ideas that sparkled during a coffee break or a discussion around coffee with friends or colleagues. We think of coffee as a creativity stimulator and we are strong believers in the idea that a coffee is the perfect excuse to start conversations that lead to great outcomes. By getting a great coffee machine, you're actually investing in the social life of your company with informal meetings around a cappuccino or by creating a nice and relaxing break space. Great coffee leads to great ideas, so let your employee's true colours shine and get a your machine today!

No need to be knowledgable about coffee, we will get you the perfect machine tailored to your needs and wants by assessing:

- the number of employees

- the look/design/aesthetic of the machine you want

- the convenience (cleaning and maintenance wise)

- the ease to use (manual or automatic machines)

With a coffee subscription delivered to your door that supply you with freshly Melbourne roasted coffee beans, you'll never run out of coffee and will always be work-ready! For the best office coffee solution, get in touch with us today!


WE bring colours to your office routine

Pay As You Drink - All our packages are casual plan, forget about long-term contract and average service, if you don't like it, no problem!  

Flexibility - We offer machines that suits all the needs, from start-ups to large corporation, based on looks, convenience, ease of use and many more features. Our machines are both hire and sale depending on what you want, going from integrated grinders and automatic milk frothing to fully professional, barista style machines with separate grinders and milk frothing machines. 

Full Services - The packages include full services from installation, maintenance and warranty on the machines as well as coffee suscription and training for your employees. We believe that by engaging with people we get a better understanding of their needs and how we can help them better. Our team is dedicated to provide you with the best personalized service. 


Up to 20 people

Coffee included: 1kg per week

Free installation, training, service, coffee delivery


From 21 to 50 people

Coffee included: 2kg per week

Free installation, training, service, coffee delivery


Above 50 people

Coffee included: 3kg per week

Free installation, training, service, coffee delivery


Do you have more than 100 employees? We have solutions for you as well, call us to see how we can get Zebra Coffee in your offices! 


"We’ve been working with Zebra Coffee for 26 months now and are very happy with their services. We used to have a "All in one" coffee machine and decided to get a proper steam one. Thanks to their recommendation, we bought a new machine for our office (15 persons) and got a barista training offered for all them. Since then we organize more informal meetings around the machine to catch-up around an expresso or cappuccino… Love their coffee and working with them!"

- Olivier Lopez, General Manager


Thanks you for your interest, we will get back to you shortly!

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